LN GET WLNUpdates: series, artist, author, genre, group, publisher, tag SEARCH WLNUpdates: series, tags, genres, parametric
Pymoe.LN - WLNUpdates
This is the documentation for the WLNUpdates module of Pymoe.LN.
Operation | Endpoints |
series, artist, author, genre, group, publisher, tag |
series, tags, genres, parametric |
Return Formatting
Thankfully, WLNUpdates mostly doesn't format their returns. What you get back is either the json object itself or a list of json objects. The only exception to this is the series search method which returns the list of results hidden behind a 'results' key. So the return for search.series only looks like this.
"results": [list of json objects],
"cleaned_search": a string representing the cleaned search title
Some Notes
On Tag and Genre
As noted on the main page, tag and genre do not do what you think. When you search for tags or genres you are going to get back every tag and genre on the site along with associated statistics. When you get a tag or genre you are going to get back every series with that tag or genre along with the name of the tag or genre itself.
Parametric Searching
Parametric is the advanced search endpoint and it requires you to specify at least one of either a list of tags or list of genres to search by. If you don't provide one or the other, you'll either be redirected to title search (assuming you provided a title) or get an error.
Some Examples
import pymoe
# Prints Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyusoukyoku
# Parametric searching
results = pymoe.ln.get.wlnupdates.parametric(
# Dictionary with Tags as Keys and included/excluded as value
# genre_category is the same thing but with Genres as Keys
'ability-steal': 'included',
'virtual-reality': 'excluded'
# Tuple containing (min, max) chapters to search by. 0 means no limit.
# Dictionary that can only include the keys Translated or Original English Language with value Included/Excluded
'Translated': 'included'
# How to sort results. update, chapter-count or name (default) are possible.
# A list of strings that designates extra data to be included or excluded from the results. This adds cover links to the results.