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What Does Default Mean?

Whenever the term default is used, it refers to the top level functions available at pymoe.type.operation.endpoint. So or

This is the user guide for Pymoe.LN and its submodules. This page will go over the default methods available at pymoe.ln.get and Further information on the specifics of each module are in their own documents.

Module Documentation Location
BAKATSUKI Documentation
WLNUPDATES Documentation

Default Methods

These default methods route through WLNUpdates.


Operation Endpoints
GET series, artist, author, group, publisher, genre, tag
SEARCH series

GET Methods

Genre and Tag

Be Warned! You might think that Genre and Tag simply return information about a given Genre or Tag ID. You would be wrong. Genre and Tag actually return all series with that genre or tag along with information about the genre or tag itself.

Endpoint Description Provider
SERIES Get information on a series given an ID WLNUpdates
ARTIST Get information on an artist given an ID WLNUpdates
AUTHOR Get information on an author given an ID WLNUpdates
PUBLISHER Get information on a publisher given an ID WLNUpdates
GENRE See Note WLNUpdates
TAG See Note WLNUpdates

An Example

import pymoe

# Print information about our trusty test series Slam Dunk

Return Formatting

This is gone over in more detail in the specific documents, but this uses WLNUpdates as the data provider. Luckily, WLNUpdates mostly does not wrap their content up in any special formatting. Your return will just be the json object you requested or a list of json objects matching your query. You can access returned attributes directly. The exception to this rule is searching by title which returns the results as a json object, but hides the list of actual results in the 'results' key. This is the only endpoint that operates slightly differently.

SEARCH Methods

There's only one so this will be short.

Endpoint Description Provider
SERIES Search for series by title WLNUpdates

An Example

import pymoe

# Search for Dragon and print the title of each matching series
for item in"Dragon")['results']: